Professional Certification: The Key to Your Career Advancement

Gemma Walton

Are you feeling stuck in your current job? Do you want to take the next career steps and earn more? If the answer is yes, then professional certification is the key to your career advancement. In today's competitive job market, having a professional certification can make you stand out from the crowd and open up new opportunities.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of professional certification, how to choose the right certification, and how to prepare for the exam.

Benefits of Professional Certification

Professional certification demonstrates your commitment to your profession and your expertise in a specific area. It can enhance your credibility and reputation, increase your earning potential, and improve your job prospects.

Employers often prefer certified professionals as they can be confident that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively.

Additionally, certification can provide you with access to a network of professionals and continuing education opportunities.

Choosing the Right Certification

Choosing the right certification is essential to achieving your career goals. Consider the industry you work in, your career aspirations, and the skills you want to develop.

Research the different certifications available and their requirements, such as education, experience, and exam format. Look for certifications that are recognised by employers in your field and have a high demand.

Finally, consider the cost and time commitment required for the certification.

Exam Preparation

Preparing for the certification exam requires dedication and effort. Start by reviewing the exam content and studying the relevant materials, such as textbooks, online courses, and practice exams.

Create a study schedule and stick to it, focusing on your weaker areas. Join a study group or hire a tutor if needed.

On the day of the exam, arrive early whether it’s online or in person, have all necessary materials you need, and stay calm and focused.

Industry-Specific Certifications

Some industries have specific certifications that are highly valued by employers.

Here are some examples of the BCS accredited online courses we deliver that are globally recognised in over 200 countries and have been developed by industry professionals and aligned to the IT industry framework SIFA Plus.

Certification vs. Degree

While a degree can provide a solid foundation for your career, certification can demonstrate your specialised knowledge and skills in a specific area.

Additionally, certification can be obtained faster and at a lower cost than a degree. Some employers may even prefer certification over a degree as it shows your practical skills and ability to apply theoretical knowledge.  

Return on Investment

Professional certification can be a significant investment in terms of time and money. However, it can provide a high return on investment in terms of career advancement and increased earning potential.

According to a survey by Global Knowledge, certified professionals earn on average 20% more than their non-certified counterparts. Additionally, certification can lead to promotions, new job opportunities, and increased job security.  

Maintaining Your Certification

Once you obtain your certification, it is essential to maintain it. Most certifications require ongoing continuing education and professional development to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices.

Attend conferences, workshops, and webinars, and read industry publications to stay informed.

Additionally, renew your certification according to the requirements, such as retaking the exam or completing a certain number of hours of continuing education.

With our Foundation and Practitioner qualifications you’ll get 12 months associate membership access to the BCS that includes career support.  

Professional certification can be the key to your career advancement and earning more. It can enhance your credibility, improve your job prospects, and increase your earning potential.

Choose the right certification for your career goals, prepare for the exam, and maintain your certification to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices.

Invest in yourself and your future by obtaining a professional certification today.

Make sure you check out our courses now as you can sign up online for immediate access.

Get started on your learning journey today.


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