Jul 19 / Darren Winter

Changes to BCS Exam Portal

BCS will soon be upgrading their BCS exam portal, e-professional, and the system will be unavailable on Tuesday 1st August.

All candidates will need to take action so that they can access their exams. BCS will notify you of the changes directly, but please also follow the steps below.

What candidates need to do

From 2nd August, candidates need to verify their login details to gain access to the upgraded e-professional exam portal. If you have exams shortly after this date, they should do this quickly to avoid any issues.

The link below will guide candidates through the process, make a diary note to click the link from August 2nd.

Why BCS are making these changes

BCS are upgrading e-professional to improve the user experience and make future integrations with other platforms possible. They’ve also added the option of multifactor authentication for better security.

As part of the upgrade, e-professional will also move to MyBCS, giving candidates access to the range of helpful resources within the platform. Those who already use MyBCS as well as e-professional will only need one set of login details for both following the upgrade.
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